It’s never easy to end a friendship. You can’t just be like, “Hey friend!
I’m ending this now!” and then stop talking to them.
It takes time for both of you to say goodbye.
So what do you when it seems like your friendships are over?
Well, here are 10 signs that might indicate the relationship is dead
Table of Contents
- 1. When the person uses you to get ahead in their life.
- 2. When they hurt people close to you.
- 3. When they stop listening.
- 4. When they disrespect those who support your dreams.
- 5. When they show that they’re only in it for themselves.
- 6. When they insult those who value relationship s or care about others above all else.
- 7. When he/she shows no loyalty.
- 8. When they insult those who want to see people succeed.
- 9. When you feel jealous of them.
- 10. When he/she insults people who are better than him/her.
- In conclusion
1. When the person uses you to get ahead in their life.
They only care about their success and don’t consider yours.
They will also drag you down in order to accomplish their goals without regard for your own needs. They are using you for their own good.
2. When they hurt people close to you.
They might even try to use your friendship against you.
They make plans to harm people you value, this is a clear sign that the person does not care about your friendship or you.
3. When they stop listening.
They no longer share common interests with you and do not try to learn more about what matters to you.
They are only interested in themselves and their opinion, this shows that the friendship isn’t based on love and communication and only appears when it’s convenient for them.
4. When they disrespect those who support your dreams.
This serves as another indicator of how much they care about themselves and their needs over yours because even if he/she likes you.
If someone else stands against them then that person will be torn down also in order to get ahead.
5. When they show that they’re only in it for themselves.
Even if they like you as a person, it’s possible that their own interests and goals are more important than your friendship.
They could even use your beliefs to get what they want and once it is served will discard you just like garbage to be removed afterwards without any remorse or thought for the pain this causes anyone else besides themselves.
This means that although they might come off as nice sometimes, make sure to lock up your heart if you let them inside because when the interest stops so does he/she.
6. When they insult those who value relationship s or care about others above all else.
It may seem ridiculous but some friends are actually capable of spreading rumors or insulting the loved ones of others just so that they can get ahead.
7. When he/she shows no loyalty.
It is important to have friends that are loyal and will stick with you through thick and thin because building a good reputation takes time and sometimes even when things don’t work out you’ll need their help to bounce back into place.
They should be willing to stand up for you, defend your honor in times of need, and even help you keep your friendships intact if this means that they must speak up against someone who would otherwise fall on top of you out of fear or self interest.
8. When they insult those who want to see people succeed.
There’s a difference between telling someone that they need to get a little tougher and stop being such a wimp or that they should try harder.
When you insult someone’s dreams or beliefs in order to support your own goals it shows that the person is not interested in “helping” others succeed so much as he/she just wants to make sure his/her ideas are the only thing getting ahead.
9. When you feel jealous of them.
No one likes feeling like they’re inferior and this means that sometimes when people have friends who are really successful, rich, or good looking they can feel very angry inside because although it’s great having sumone like that around, they might also worry about what other people think of them compared to their friend if things don’t work out the way they want.
This is simply an indicator of how much you value yourself compared to others in your life and whether or not you let someone else’s opinion affect how happy you are with your own.
10. When he/she insults people who are better than him/her.
Sometimes when we insult other people we’re actually insulting ourselves because deep down a part of us feels that maybe if we were better, smarter , prettier etc then perhaps those around us would treat us with more respect.
This often comes from childhood where kids think that their parents’ hatred for one sibling means that they must mean them too as well no matter what they do or don’t do in order to try and prove themselves worthy.
In other words, if when you think back and realize that he/she had a problem with an ex-best friend who was more successful or better looking than them then this might be the reason why.
In conclusion
Although I’ve listed 10 signs that friends are actually jealous of you in some ways it is very easy to get sucked into their own negative energy and start thinking bad things about yourself just because they’re present.
Just remember that no matter what happens you never have to allow yourself to feel inferior or less than others even if someone around you is making it clear that’s how they see you.
Even if they insult your weight , intelligence , or opinions don’t let them get under your skin and realize that the only reason why they insult others is because deep down inside they’re jealous of them.
Trust me, I know how it feels to be insulted by someone you care about and have even been in situations where I felt like the people around me might actually hate me but just remember that if he/she is a true friend then s/he will never let you feel inferior .
If however, after reading this article and recalling events that have happened between the two of you over time you’ve come to realize that your friend isn’t really a friend then don’t worry, soon enough other opportunities will present themselves and all will seem right again!