It’s been a really tough time for you.
You can’t seem to get over the breakup, you think about it every day, and it just isn’t getting any easier.
It feels like your whole world is crumbling around you in slow motion as all of the painful memories come flooding back with each passing day.
I’m here to tell you that there are ways out of this darkness!
Keep reading if you want some tips on how to move on after a break up that work (even though they might not feel like it).
Table of Contents
- Don’t talk to him or her.
- Move on, it’s not worth your time.
- Get out of the house and go do something you enjoy.
- Remind yourself that he/she is just one person in a sea of people.
- Focus on all the good things about yourself and realize that nobody is perfect.
- Keep busy with work, school, hobbies etc., don’t let yourself feel sorry for yourself.
- Conclusion
Don’t talk to him or her.
If you are tempted to text him/her, don’t! It will only make things worse.
When you do talk, it usually ends up in a huge fight that just leaves both of you feeling terrible and unwilling to talk again for a few days.
Cut off all contact because it is only causing you more pain in the long run.
For some, talking less often will actually help you be able to talk again without getting hurt/angry or feeling bad about yourself and your relationship
(if someone else did the dumping).
Move on, it’s not worth your time.
When you are thinking about him/her, it’s not really your ex-partner that you miss.
It is the way that they made you feel; safe, happy and loved.
Human beings are emotional creatures; when we are in pain, the natural reaction is to try and avoid that pain.
It is easier said than done, but you need to learn to move on from your ex-partner and the relationship.
Allow yourself to feel the pain, and remember that you will survive.
It can take a long time for old memories to fade away, but they will with time!
If you have worked hard on getting over your ex-partner and healing from the break up, when he/she is in your thoughts again it might be a good time to date again.
Do not rush it, but allow yourself to move on when you are ready.
You might never be able to forget them, but you can learn to live with the painful memories and avoid triggers that may cause a relapse into depression or anger.
Get out of the house and go do something you enjoy.
Get out of the house and go do something you enjoy.
It can be anything out, of even the if house it and is go just hang going out with for a a walk friend.
You can find something enjoy doing to doing things that do in make that order you interests to feel you take good and your; allows mind buy your off some mind the new to pain clothes forget.
Don’t get on the internet.
The temptation is great because you might read something that makes you angry or sad, or you will end up talking to people who know your ex-partner. and they will end up making you feel even worse.
If you really need to talk, go back to your friend group and see if they can listen without telling you their opinions until you are ready to hear them.
They know you better anyway!
Set yourself a shorter time limit than before.
If 3 months was not enough, then try one month or even just a week.
(That might seem silly, but if you are thinking about getting back together even after a couple of weeks, it’s not really over.)
Remind yourself that he/she is just one person in a sea of people.
Many fish in the sea!
The chances of you finding another person that is better than your ex is very good.
Go out and find them!
It might be hard at first, but it gets easier.
Say good-bye to your ex-partner and let him/her go for good.
You deserve a happy relationship with someone who is going to love you for the rest of your life!
Focus on all the good things about yourself and realize that nobody is perfect.
You are not alone! Lots of people go through the break up process, and lots of people get over it.
Take one day at a time until you feel ready to move on.
It will happen, just remember not to take it personally!
It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them not being the right person for you.
You will get through this!
Go out and do something fun with your friends, because if you stay home feeling sorry for yourself all the time, it will just make things worse!
Keep busy with work, school, hobbies etc., don’t let yourself feel sorry for yourself.
Go out with friends (if you have any) and stay off the internet.
It’s full of bad memories from when you were together, even if you’ve blocked your ex off.
Don’t put yourself down, but don’t obsess over your thoughts and feelings about the break up either. Do some fun things with friends, and that will help.
It’s totally normal to still love your ex during this time, and it’s also normal to still love them after the break up.
You can still picture a future together, and you think about it all the time!
That’s okay! You might want to try and keep your feelings in check for a bit, so you don’t obsess over the break up.
Break ups are really hard, but you will probably get over it.
A break-up is a difficult thing to go through, but it’s important that you take the steps necessary for your own mental health.
The tips we’ve provided should help remind you of all the good things about yourself and serve as tools to get back on track after a tough time.
Remember not to feel too sorry for yourself; give this person or situation no more than 5% of your thoughts per day while reminding yourself how lucky you are in life.
If these neuroscience principles don’t resonate with you at first, keep trying new ones until something clicks.
There are many different ways out there to come out feeling better from heartbreak!