It is hard to get over a break up.
It is even more difficult when the person you are breaking up with is one of your best friends.
I have been there, and it was not easy at all.
The pain that comes from losing someone who was so close to me can be unbearable sometimes, but know that you will eventually come out on the other side of this and find someone new who loves you for exactly who you are.
No matter how long it takes or how many times it feels like too much, trust in yourself and remember everything will work out in time!
Table of Contents
- Make sure you’re not still in love with them.
- Cut off contact completely and delete their number, email address, social media account(s), etc.
- Take care of yourself – make sure to eat healthy, exercise regularly, drink plenty of water.
- Write down what happened when they broke up with you so that it’s not all a blur.
- Allow yourself time to feel sad, angry, or frustrated without beating yourself up for it.
- Have fun! Spend time with friends and family.
- Take time for yourself to heal – don’t rush into a new relationship.
- Focus on you and your needs – not what others want or expect.
- Be open to new people, but be cautious of who you trust.
- Don’t let the person who broke up with you control how you feel about yourself.
- Remember that it’s okay to still have feelings for them.
- If they come back into your life, consider giving them another chance.
- Conclusion
Make sure you’re not still in love with them.
This is the most important thing to do. If you are still in love with your ex, there’s no sense in moving on.
Maybe it’s not your time to be with them, and maybe there’s still a chance that you’ll be together.
If you’re sure you are over them, it will be easier to move on. Not saying it will be easy though!
Don’t be mad.
It’s natural to feel mad after a break up, especially if it was expected or you were previously fighting with your ex.
Eventually, though, this will die down and you won’t be as mad anymore.
Try to think about things that make you happy and that will make you happy in the future.
Eventually, it’ll have an impact on your mood and you’ll stop being mad.
Try to move on.
It’s better for yourself and your ex if you move on, even though it is difficult.
You should try to be happy with other people, maybe find a new best friend if you can’t be with your ex.
Don’t be needy or clingy.
I know it’s tempting to be this way, but you shouldn’t.
Your ex might feel obligated to talk to you or spend time with you if you’re needy, and you might be push them to want to get back together.
Instead of being needy, talk about your problems with family or friends that care about you.
Talk to them when you feel angry at your ex rather than try to contact them directly. This way, they won’t have pressure from you.
If they do want to talk to you, they will come back on their own without the need for any effort on your part.
Don’t send them texts messages everyday or tell them how much they miss them if it’s in person!
It’ll just make things more complicated and lead behind their backs because once they see what a big deal you’re making over something small, you don’t know how they’ll react.
Do not let them get to you.
Ah, one of the biggest things that will help you move onβ¦ Don’t let them get to you! The best way I can describe this is if you have a song on your mind and no matter what, it’s stuck there. If they do anything at all that reminds you of them, be sure that it won’t get to you.
This can be hard because they might intentionally do things in order to make you mad, but just don’t let them and try not to see what’s going on. Things like this help you move forward when getting over a break up.
Cut off contact completely and delete their number, email address, social media account(s), etc.
Cutting off contact completely is the only way to move on entirely.
Find a new friend, and then you won’t be reminded of your ex at all.
You will be able to let go of the past and make way for a better future.
Don’t think about them if you can help it.
It can be difficult, but if you notice yourself thinking about them too much, change your mindset.
Maybe start a new hobby or take up a new challenge so you won’t be thinking about them as much.
This step will help you in the long run, and it will definitely make it easier for you to move on.
Write a letter, get it all out, and then destroy it so there’s no chance of seeing them again.
This is one I did that helped me overcome my ex.
Write a full page about everything you want to say to your ex but can’t figure out how or just wouldn’t say at the time (before they’ve seen it).
It doesn’t have to be exact or eloquent. Just write what’s on your mind!
After you’ve finished writing, make sure you throw it away in an unlocatable place where no one will ever find it and that they won’t open by mistake.
If you don’t trust yourself with this, ask someone else like a sibling or parent to do it for you.
This will help you move on because your emotions are getting out into the open and you aren’t keeping it bottled up inside your heart.
It’s important to try not to dwell on what happened or try to fix what is now “broken”.
If they really did hurt you, don’t worry about them anymore! Instead, think about yourself and how much better off this break up has made you in the end.
You can rest assured knowing that all of those feelings have been released, so just hope for the best in the future from now on.
Don’t contact them if they do reach out first. This one is kind of self explanatory but I’ll explain it anyway.
If an ex contacts you before you do, don’t contact them back.
This stops the cycle that keeps repeating itself and will help you move on from a break up.
There’s one more thing to consider if this does happen.
If they’ve reached out first, don’t be too quick to forgive their mistakes or take them back right away because they might not be truly sorry and you could be getting hurt worse than before if you do.
They may say whatever it takes to get you back, so only talk with them briefly about what happened until you find out they’re being sincere.
This can seem hard at first, but trust me when I tell you that these last few steps will make things easier for all of us in the long run!
Here are some additional tips.
– Tell yourself it will be okay and that you are better without them.
– Don’t think about how once upon a time everything was perfect, just remember all of the bad things they’ve done.
– Life goes on, even if they don’t!
I know from experience this is one of the hardest things to do because I used to have a lot of problems when it came to getting over my ex.
But I wrote all that down in my diary and moved past it by sheer force! If you really want to move on, try writing out your feelings or keeping a journal!
I hope these steps can help other people who are having trouble falling asleep at night or just going through any rough break ups during their life.
Take care of yourself – make sure to eat healthy, exercise regularly, drink plenty of water.
Eat healthy.
it’s important to eat healthy because you’ll feel better about yourself.
Eat plenty of carbs – carbohydrates are the best sources of energy, and if you’re active it’s best if you eat them for breakfast.
That can be really hard, but the best way to deal with those feelings is by distracting yourself with some fun activity that you enjoy.
Exercise regularly.
exercise is a great way to release happy hormones!
I know it might be hard sometimes but as soon as you do it, you’ll feel so much better.
Drink plenty of water.
water helps keep your skin fresh and healthy! you’ll feel so much better if you drink water regularly.
Write down what happened when they broke up with you so that it’s not all a blur.
Write down how you felt when it happened.
This helps you to get in touch with your emotions and understand why you feel the way you do.
It also helps you to process how you feel.
Write down the good times you had together.
Write down all of the nice things they did for you.
For some reason focusing on the positive makes it easier to move on from a relationship that didn’t work out in the end and will help you not be so sad anymore!
Write down what your plans are for after this break up happens so that you’re look forward to something other than them instead of being bummed out about losing him/her as a boyfriend/girlfriend.
Having a friend around who will listen is helpful for everyone, not just those going through heartache.
Allow yourself time to feel sad, angry, or frustrated without beating yourself up for it.
Ask others for help if you need someone to talk to about your feelings and what is happening in your life.
Do not keep everything bottled up inside.
Tell everyone how you’re feeling – keep talking with friends until they get tired of hearing you, then tell random people on the Internet.
Give yourself time to figure out what went wrong and don’t be afraid to take that time! It’s normal to dwell on things during unhealthy experiences.
Be logical with your decisions.
Things like revenge and anger are bad emotions for making good choices.
Do not tell them anything about your thoughts or feelings. They should not be included in them and do not deserve to know the pain they caused you now that they aren’t a part of your life anymore.
This only makes their choices worse and allows them to feel better about themselves for as long as they keep it going while making yourself look bad in return. Do not allow them to have a say in your life anymore.
Have fun! Spend time with friends and family.
Watch funny movies, go shopping, keep each other company when you don’t feel like being alone.
And most importantly – make yourself happy! Do things that you love and don’t let their decision affect the happiness you have in your life.
That doesn’t mean you can’t feel the pain of it all, but instead of letting them win, try to get through it with everyone else so that they don’t have any more power over you than what they already took from you when deciding to break up with you.
You have your whole life ahead of you, and I know how it feels to be broken hearted but don’t let them take any more than they already did!
I hope this helped π
If anyone has any questions feel free to ask in the comments section! Also remember that I am not a professional, and this does not replace any actual medical advice.
Everyone is different so take this as more of an option than a rule.
Take time for yourself to heal – don’t rush into a new relationship.
Be around people who are there for you, listen to what you have to say and do not make fun of your feelings because feeling hurt is a normal reaction.
This quote helps me whenever I feel like crying or having a pity party – “I want today’s kindnesses preserved in a scrapbook so that when at my time I need them again, I can take them out and look at them for inspiration”
And remember that you are beautiful, people love you, and keep going forward.
You will be happier than you were before.
Focus on you and your needs – not what others want or expect.
Focus on your goals – they don’t need you to be less than what you want to be.
Focus on yourself – it’s not a crime that the other person doesn’t make you feel whole.
And most importantly, focus on your own happiness even if it doesn’t seem like an option right now.
Don’t ever give up on love, be open to new possibilities and always believe that everything happens for a reason.
Be open to new people, but be cautious of who you trust.
Open to new people, but do it on your own time and in your own way.
It will happen when you’re least expecting it, because the ones who are right for you will be worth waiting for.
I promise that things will get better π The pain doesn’t last forever and everything works out how it’s supposed to in the end.
So don’t lose hope, and don’t let anybody tell you that it’s impossible to find love again.
Love ALWAYS comes back – even when it feels like you aren’t going to find it, just keep on believing.
I know it hurts now but things will be better in the long run π Don’t take time for granted because there really is a lot to be thankful for.
Don’t let the person who broke up with you control how you feel about yourself.
if you are still under control by them, you’re not really over them.
You cannot be over someone, until you stop caring about what they think and feel, because if you do, it means you still care about them.
In order to be over someone, you have to realize that they are not worth your time and they don’t deserve your tears anymore.
Remember that it’s okay to still have feelings for them.
They’re just not right for you at this point in time.
And one day when you’re over your ex, you’ll look back and laugh about the times you spent with them.
It’s true… they were not meant for you.
They’re not your person, and they never will be.
ClichΓ© as it may sound, but you two aren’t right for each other.
You deserve someone who’s more compatible with you, and they deserve someone who’ll treat them right and make them happy.
You deserve better, and to be honest… so does he/she.
Let go and be happy for the both of you.
You’re not over your ex until you are ready to let them go, and wish them happiness.
Be happy for your ex, and be healthy for yourself.
Things are meant to be, so believe that you will find love again – it’s a matter of time π
The future is still bright even when right now feels like the darkness is never ending.
If they come back into your life, consider giving them another chance.
You can still make things work out.
Just because someone broke your heart, doesn’t mean that you are destined to be alone forever – there’s a reason why they came back into your life.
It’s not the end of the world if you take time for yourself and give yourself a break.
I know it hurts but remember to take care of yourself at all times π Take a break from dating, have fun with friends, go on adventures or just do whatever makes you happy! B)
The key is finding love again after being broken by someone when falling in love makes you vulnerable.”
The person that breaks up with me will always be my ex.
No matter what happens no one will ever change this fact.
My ex has the biggest impact of my life even though he isn’t here anymore. because I liked him so much it was the most painful experience i experienced in my life.
I’m sure that what happened to me is not as extreme as some peoples situations but for me this separation left a huge scar on my heart and became almost impossible to close.
Bringing about closure can take many forms from talking with our partners face-to-face to writing letters expressing our feelings before throwing them away, type up an elaborate email or secretly plotting their demise.
These activities pass time or make us feel better while we are trying to heal emotionally, they help put things into perspective and allow us space to think things through.
If you’re not already there, it’s time to get over your ex.
The first step is making sure that they are really out of the picture for good and won’t be coming back with an apology or a second chance.
Cut contact completely and delete all traces of them from your life (e.g., social media accounts).
Take care of yourself by eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, drinking plenty of water, keeping up with work/school obligations, etc.
Spend quality time with friends and family who will support you through this difficult time; do things that make you happy like going on dates!
It can take some people longer than others to recover from heartbreak but don’t waste any more precious days in misery – start living.